WWE SmackDown Results & Winners (December 01, 2023): Randy Orton chose SmackDown for The Bloodline

Bayley hangs out alone, Belair not finished with Damage CTRL, Bidding war for Orton, Logan Paul returns, Orton chose SmackDown and much more!

The December 1, 2023 episode of Friday Night SmackDown is officially over. It is the Survivor Series: War Games fallout episode of SmackDown as it features the continuation of the existing feuds and start over of the new feuds. A couple of returns and a lot of drama happened on this week’s episode of SmackDown. Get to know what happens on the blue brand as we came with the complete summary, results, ratings and winners list of the show.

WWE SmackDown Summary

Bianca Belair’s war with Damage CTRL continues

Bianca Belair kicked-off Friday Night SmackDown. Bianca Belair gave a quick shout out for their War Games team mates for getting the W. Although Team Belair won the war, she is not done with The Damage CTRL and IYO SKY as she wants her title back. Damage CTRL without Bayley confront Belair, but Belair is not alone as Charlotte & Shotzi have her back. They wasted no time and took all the members of Damage CTRL out and force them to retreat.

Backstage: Damage CTRL met Bayley, ask her where she was, Bayley explains that she never know that and no one informed. Dakota Kai seems suspicious, looking to take the leadership from Bayley.

Ratings: 4/5

Butch vs Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley had the mic in the hand, but Butch goes wants the first peace of flesh. Bobby outpower Butch and throws him from one corner to other. Butch fights back, sends Lashley down and delivered a couple of moon-saults outside the ring.

After the commercial, Lashley dominates Butch with a vertical hold, powerslam and sends him out. He took him on the shoulder and drive his head on the ring post to take him to the ring. When Lashley looks for a spear, he hit his shoulder first to the ring post and Butch took control. Butch took Lashley to the ground and stomp his hands. Lashley hit a powerslam and a clothesline. Butch hit a step up Enziguri, but Lashley delivered a spear turning him upside down for the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley Ratings: 3.5/5

Nick Aldis looks to sign Randy Orton

Paul Heyman met Nick Aldis on his office. Heyman asked Aldis did he called Randy Orton to SmackDown? Aldis said yes and said that he is indeed interested in signing Orton to SmackDown. Heyman says whether “The Tribal Chief” knows that, but Aldis said anything to Roman will only be sent through Heyman and says the Orton signing thing.

Heyman doesn’t want him on SmackDown, but Aldis wants Orton and says that he would trade the entire Bloodline to sign Orton & challenged Heyman to do whatever it takes, but he can’t be stopped from signing Orton. Heyman with the phone call walked away.

Ratings: 4/5

Santos Escobar vs Joaquin Wilde

Santos Escobar is interviewed behind the curtains. He says that Rey turned on Damage CTRL even before him, by adding Carlito. Joaquin Wilde & Cruze Del Toro are blinded by the illusion of Rey. He looks to teach a lesson to Wilde.

Joaquin Wilde goes after Santos Escobar right away. He hit a couple of drop kicks  sends Escobar outside the ring, deliver a spring board crossbody and a senton from the top rope. As Wilde stands over the top rope, Escobar pulls him down, hangs him down and hit a running drop kick.

Escobar looks to extend his arm, but Wilde fights back. He delivered a couple of knee strikes to the head and delivered a DDT, but Escobar soon hit a superkick and delivered a Fantom driver for the win.

After the match: Santos Escobar continued to attack Wilde & Escobar rolls down. He tries to attack Dragon Lee, but Lee fights back and gave no space to Escobar and force him to retreat.

Winner: Santos Escobar Ratings: 3/5

Bidding War for Randy Orton

Nick Aldis with a contract in his hand was interrupted by Adam Pearce, who asked are the contract things true. Aldis said yes and stated that Orton is a free agent as of now and Pearce lost his chance to sign him on Raw. It is his chance to sign Orton to SmackDown. Pearce said that he will also be in the ring to sign Orton and he has Raw contract in his hands.

Ratings: 4/5

Logan Paul returns

Logan Paul returns to SmackDown and sends a message to his haters. He asked where were they when he won the U.S. title. He said that the talents in the locker room fight all their career for the championship, but he won it too soon. Paul announced that he spoke to Nick Aldis and manage to host a tournament to find out his next challenger, featuring Bobby Lashley, Santos Escobar, Dragon Lee, Karrion Kross, Kevin Owens, Austin Theory, Grayson Waller and one wrestler from NXT.

When Paul named Kevin Owens he came to the ring. Kevin Owens asks Logan Paul to count his numbers as the United States Champion. Paul says that he only needs six seconds to KO Kevin Owens. As both have heated arguments, Grayson Waller with Austin Theory interrupted them and Kevin Owens knocks Austin Theory down.

Ratings: 3.8/5

Kevin Owens vs Grayson Waller

As the match begin, Waller rolls out. Owens chase him down and beat him up to get back into the ring. Waller tries to fight back, but Owens took him down with a back elbow tackle and a corner splash. Waller turns the things by dropping KO down and hit a elbow drop. The momentum kept shifting back and forth. Kevin Owens clothesline Waller outside the ring and hit a frog splash on him from the apron. As the referee is distracted, Theory stomps on Owens hand, which Waller targets.

Kevin Owens hit a frog splash from the top rope, but hit on the targeted hand. Waller locks Owens hand, looks for a rolling DDT, but Owens counters and swantom bomb. As KO looks for a stunner, Waller escapes and targets his hard hit hand. Waller stuck Owens hand between the turnbuckle, when tried to kick on it, Owens rolls him down for the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens Ratings: 4/5

Bianca Belair vs Kairi Sane

Behind the curtains: Bayley is left alone as the Damage CTRL don’t want her on the ringside tonight.

As the match begin, both lock hands and Belair seems powerful and athletic, as she put Kairi down back to back to back. Asuka grabs Belair’s leg down and Charlotte grabs Kairi’s leg. Both their allies are sent backstage by the ref.

After the commercial, Kairi locks Belair’s leg & neck and controlling the match. Belair escapes and hit her with three body slams, ten punches to the face, spine burster and lion-sault. Kairi escapes pinfall and hit a backfist on her face. Sane hit a forearm from the top rope, but not enough for the win. Belair hit Kairi sane body first to the barricade, but Bayley came to save Kairi. Kairi climbs the top rope, but Belair took her with a KOD for the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair Ratings: 3.5/5

Randy Orton’s contract

Both Raw & SmackDown General Managers, Adam Pearce & Nick Aldis were in the ring with the contract in their hands. Nick Aldis welcomed Randy Orton to his show. Orton made his SmackDown return after eighteen months with a loud cheers.

Both the General Managers negotiate for Randy Orton. Adam Pearce said that he would give him the World Heavyweight Championship match right away. Nick Aldis said that he will give him The Bloodline, who took him out of action for a long time.

As both negotiate, Paul Heyman interrupted them. He said that Orton is back after a long break and thanked The Bloodline for taking him out. Heyman said that Orton won’t be taking decision on which brand he chose, as The Bloodline is coming after him to choose.

Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso attacked Randy Orton, as the number games comes into play. LA Knight came for the save, took Solo Sikoa out of the picture. Orton delivered an elevated DDT and RKO to Jimmy. He have a deep stare on Paul Heyman and grabs both the contracts in his hands. Orton threw the Raw contract away and signed the SmackDown contract.

Orton asked Paul Heyman to call Roman Reigns, saying Daddy’s back!. Aldis is happy with Orton being contracted to SmackDown, he lifted Orton’s hands, but Orton hit him with an RKO. As all lay down, Paul Heyman with the phone in hand and Orton’s signature pose ended Friday Night SmackDown.

SmackDown Results

  • Bobby Lashley (W) defeated Butch by pinfall.
  • Santos Escobar (W) defeated Joaquin Wilde by pinfall.
  • Kevin Owens (W) defeated Grayson Waller by pinfall.
  • CM Punk announced for next week on SmackDown.
  • Bianca Belair (W) defeated Kairi Sane by pinfall.
  • Randy Orton signs SmackDown contract.

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