What Should I Do With My Kitten On The First Night? • Kritter Kommunity

Welcoming Your Kitten Home: The First Night Guide

As an experienced cat parent, the first night with a new kitten is a significant milestone. If you are wondering, ‘what should I do with my kitten on the first night?’, you have come to the right place! Not only do I have experience raising a baby kitten to an over a decade old kitty cat, I write a ton of content on kittens too! Everything from a kitten essentials list to tips for discouraging kitten biting.

One crucial aspect of ensuring your kitten’s comfort and safety is providing a designated sleeping space—a cozy indoor cat home, or what I affectionately call a “kitty lodge.”

baby kitten Finnegan in his home

When I brought Finnegan, my now over 10-year-old cat, home as a tiny kitten, creating a safe spot for him to sleep in my room was a priority. Here’s why and how I did it, along with why I strongly discourage letting kittens roam freely at night!

Without further ado, let’s pounce in!


Like tiny explorers, kittens thrive with a safe base camp in their new territory. Here’s how I set up Finnegan’s cozy sanctuary, and you can do the same:

1. Select a Safe Sleeping Spot:

  • Your Room: Start by designating a corner in your room for your kitten’s bedtime adventures. Choose a quiet area away from drafts or disturbances.
  • Comfort Zone Creation: Lay down a soft blanket or cushion as the base, providing a comfy foundation for your kitten’s dreams.

2. Enclosed Space for Security:

  • Box or Enclosure: If you don’t have a dedicated cat bed, a cardboard box lined with blankets can be a snug alternative. The enclosed space helps your kitten feel secure.
  • Introduce Comfort Items: Place familiar toys and a piece of clothing with your scent to reassure your kitten in their new space.

3. Gradual Introduction to Their Domain:

  • Daytime Exploration: Let your kitten roam and explore your room during the day, introducing them to their sleeping area. This helps them claim it as their own territory.

Remember, this strategy works wonders for fostering too! Providing a secure and inviting sleeping space helps foster kittens feel safe in your temporary care.

Why the First Night Routine Matters:

Establishing a safe sleeping area in your room not only ensures your kitten feels secure but also mitigates potential risks associated with unsupervised exploration:

  • Safety First: Kittens are naturally curious. Having a designated area prevents them from encountering hazards or ingesting harmful substances.
  • Stress-Free Slumber: New environments can be overwhelming. A quiet, secure sleeping spot reduces stress and promotes better sleep for your kitten.
  • Setting Boundaries: Early boundaries help kittens understand where they can play, rest, and feel safe.

The Importance of a Kitty Lodge:

Kittens, much like human babies, need a sense of security and comfort. Creating a specific sleeping area, such as a kitty lodge, can help them feel safe and settled in their new environment. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Prepare a Safe Haven: In my room, I arranged a comfortable bed or cushion lined with soft blankets for Finnegan. It was placed in a quiet corner away from potential disturbances.
  2. Enclosed Space: If you don’t have a dedicated cat bed, a cardboard box with blankets inside can serve as a makeshift kitty lodge. The enclosed space provides a sense of security.
  3. Toys and Comfort Items: Placing a few favorite toys and a piece of clothing or blanket that carries your scent can further reassure the kitten in their new environment.
  4. Gradual Introduction to the Room: Initially, I let Finnegan explore my room during the day, getting familiar with his sleeping area. This helps establish the space as his own territory.

Why I Don’t Recommend Free Roaming for Kittens at Night:

Allowing a kitten to roam freely around the house at night can pose various risks:

  1. Safety Concerns: Kittens are naturally curious and may get into hazardous situations or accidentally ingest something harmful when unsupervised.
  2. Disturbances and Stress: New surroundings can be overwhelming for kittens. Loud noises or sudden movements at night might stress them out or disrupt their sleep, impacting their development.
  3. Establishing Boundaries: Setting boundaries early on helps in training the kitten about designated areas for play, sleep, and other activities.

Summing Up:

In the journey from a tiny kitten to a full-grown cat like Finnegan, the first night sets the tone for a secure and comfortable living environment. Providing a kitty lodge or a designated sleeping space in your room ensures your kitten feels safe and nurtured during this crucial transition period.

Remember, every kitten is unique, so observe their behavior and adapt your approach accordingly. By creating a secure sleeping area and avoiding free roaming at night, you’ll help your new furry friend adjust and thrive in their new home.

Happy cat parenting! 🐾

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