Fur Real? Do Maine Coon Cats Shed Like Crazy? • Kritter Kommunity


You’ve come to the right guide because — I write about Maine Coon cats and feline shedding!

I have had three of my kitty cats and care for countless friends’ felines, too. In addition to learning about do Maine Coon cats shed like crazy, you will also get a list of tips to help you manage your Gentle Giant’s fur coat.

After you are done here, you might love to read Are Maine Coon Cat’s Hypoallergenic? , Maine Coon Cat Calico: The Gorgeous Feline Breed with Unique Coat Colors or The Enchanting Elegance of White Maine Coon Cats.

Ready to learn all about this topic?!

Let’s get to it, starting with some info about the coats of a Maine Coon cat, and followed by grooming tips and reducing hairballs.


You’ve just brought home your new Maine Coon cat, and you’re in love. But as you cuddle up with your furry friend, you start to notice a lot of hair on your clothes and furniture. You start to wonder, do Maine Coon cats shed, am I destined to live on top of a blanket of kitty fur?

The short answer is yes, Maine Coon cats do shed. But don’t worry, there are ways to manage the shedding and keep your home clean.

And no, you do not have to live atop a fur coat.

Maine Coon cats are known for their long, thick fur, which helps them stay warm in their native cold climate. While their fur is beautiful and soft to the touch, it also means they shed quite a bit. This shedding can be especially noticeable during the spring and fall when they shed their winter and summer coats. But even outside of those seasons, you can expect some shedding from your Maine Coon.

The Furry Facts


If you’re considering bringing a Maine Coon cat into your home, you may be wondering about their shedding habits. After all, nobody wants to be constantly covered in cat hair. Here are the furry facts you need to know:

Coat Characteristics

Maine Coon cats are known for their thick, luxurious coats. Their fur is soft and silky, and comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Their undercoat is also quite dense, which helps keep them warm in colder weather.

Shedding Seasons

While Maine Coon cats do shed, the good news is that they tend to shed less than some other breeds.


Maine Coon cats do go through seasonal shedding, so you can expect to see more fur flying around during the Spring and Fall. Expect to be spitting fluff around April and May plus October and November.

During these times, it’s a good idea to brush your Maine Coon cat regularly to help keep shedding under control. I highly recommend getting a comb and a slicker brush. You can read all about it here. BEST GROOMING BRUSHES FOR LONG-HAIRED CATS.

Here are two I highly recommend!

Maine Coon Cat Comb

***Choosing a comb that has an anti-slip grip is key!***

You may also want to invest in a good vacuum cleaner to keep your home fur-free; BEST VACUUMS FOR PET OWNERS.


I LOVE the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Turbo Rewind Vacuum Cleaner; as far as vacuums go that is. Full disclosure, I have a cleaning service so I rarely use this. I am HIGHLY allergic to dust and for that reason, it is important I outsource as many dusty tasks as possible.

RELEVANT: A Look At How Pet Air Purifiers Can Help Any Cat Or Dog Owner Control Dander And Minimize Allergies

One of the main reasons I LOVE the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Turbo Rewind Vacuum Cleaner is no touch the gross stuff. Touching that is super gross, but I am also highly allergic. Wearing rubber gloves when emptying it all out helps too!

The #1 question readers ask about owning a cat, especially a long-haired cat is Should I get an air purifier if I am a cat owner — and the answer is absolutely, yes you should, and you can buy my favorite one right here.


Yes, Maine Coon cats tend to make great house cats. Overall, Maine Coon cats are an excellent choice for those who love fluffy cats but don’t want to deal with excessive shedding. They tend to be great with kids, gentle and sweet-natured yet playful. With their thick coats and seasonal shedding habits, they strike the perfect balance between furry and low-maintenance.

Grooming the Gentle Giant

As a Maine Coon owner, you know that these cats have a reputation for being gentle giants. They are known for their long, thick fur, which is both beautiful and functional. However, with great fur comes great responsibility. Grooming your Maine Coon is an essential part of their care routine, and it can be a fun bonding experience for both you and your cat.

Brushing Basics

Brushing your Maine Coon’s fur is a crucial part of their grooming routine. It helps to remove loose hair, prevent matting, and distribute natural oils throughout their coat. When it comes to brushing, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Use a slicker brush: A slicker brush is the best tool for removing loose hair and preventing matting. It has fine, short wires that can penetrate deep into your cat’s fur without damaging their skin.
  • Brush in the direction of the fur: Always brush in the direction of your cat’s fur to avoid pulling and discomfort.
  • Be gentle: Maine Coons have sensitive skin, so be gentle when brushing their fur. If you encounter a tangle or mat, use your fingers to gently work it out before continuing to brush.

Bathing Blunders

Bathing your Maine Coon can be a daunting task, but it’s essential to keep their coat clean and healthy. Here are a few things to keep in mind when bathing your cat:

  • Use a cat-specific shampoo: Human shampoo can be too harsh for your cat’s sensitive skin. Choose a shampoo specifically designed for cats to avoid irritation.
  • Don’t overdo it: Maine Coons are self-cleaning, so they don’t need to be bathed too often. Once every few months should be sufficient unless your cat gets into something particularly dirty or smelly.
  • Be prepared: Before you start bathing your cat, make sure you have everything you need within reach. This includes a towel, shampoo, and a cup or sprayer for rinsing.

The Tools of the Trade

When it comes to grooming your Maine Coon, having the right tools can make all the difference. Here are a few essential tools you should have on hand:

  • Slicker brush: As mentioned earlier, a slicker brush is the best tool for removing loose hair and preventing matting.
  • Comb: A comb can be used to work out any tangles or mats that the slicker brush missed.
  • Nail clippers: Maine Coons have large, sturdy claws that need to be trimmed regularly. Invest in a good pair of nail clippers and learn how to use them properly.

Grooming your Maine Coon may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Regular grooming will help keep your cat’s coat healthy and beautiful, and it will also strengthen the bond between you and your feline friend.


If you are a Maine Coon cat owner, you know that shedding is a part of life. But what about hairballs?

You should expect your Maine Coon cat to get a hairball from time to time. If your Gentle Giant gets more than one hairball every several weeks it is time to adjust a few things. 1) groom your cat more frequently 2) increase water and wet food intake 3) check cat litter for any issues. If the hairballs get worse, definitely check with your vet. 4) increase exercise with wand toys to encourage jumping.

For immediate results, I have used a small amount of Vaseline on my cat’s paw (he licks it off) to help him move a hairball through his system. A small amount of olive oil can also help. Brushing and increasing wet food has helped the most.

Are they a common occurrence for your furry friend?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the common culprits of hairballs and how you can prevent them.

Common Culprits

Hairballs are caused by your cat ingesting too much hair while grooming themselves. This hair then accumulates in their stomach and forms a ball. Some common culprits of hairballs include:

  • Excessive shedding
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of grooming
  • Fleas

Dietary Decisions

One way to prevent hairballs is by making sure your Maine Coon is on a healthy diet. A diet rich in fiber can help your cat pass hair more easily. You can also try feeding your cat a hairball control formula, which contains special ingredients to help prevent hairballs from forming.

Professional Purr-spectives

If you are concerned about your cat’s hairball situation, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian. They can recommend the best diet and grooming routine for your Maine Coon. They can also check for any underlying health issues that may be causing excessive shedding or hairballs.

In summary, hairballs are a common issue for Maine Coon cats, but there are steps you can take to prevent them. By providing a healthy diet, regular grooming, and seeking professional advice when needed, you can help keep your furry friend healthy and happy.

Environmental Elements

Indoor vs Outdoor Living

As a Maine Coon cat owner, you might wonder whether you should keep your cat indoors or let them roam outside. While outdoor living can provide a more natural environment for your cat, it also exposes them to various environmental elements that can affect their shedding.

Indoor cats are generally less exposed to different temperatures, humidity levels, and allergens, which can lead to less shedding. However, if you keep your cat indoors, make sure to provide them with enough exercise and stimulation to prevent boredom and stress, which can also contribute to shedding.

Climate Considerations

The climate you live in can also affect your Maine Coon cat’s shedding. If you live in a hot and humid climate, your cat may shed more frequently as they try to regulate their body temperature. On the other hand, if you live in a colder climate, your cat may shed less but still experience seasonal shedding.

To help your cat cope with different climates, make sure to provide them with a comfortable living space that is well-ventilated and has a consistent temperature. You can also groom your cat regularly to remove any loose hair and prevent matting.

Overall, while environmental elements can affect your Maine Coon cat’s shedding, proper care and grooming can help minimize shedding and keep your cat healthy and happy.

The Shedding Spectrum

Ah, the joys of owning a Maine Coon cat – the majestic beauty, the playful nature, and of course, the shedding. But fear not, dear reader, for shedding is a natural part of a cat’s life, and understanding the shedding spectrum can help you manage it better.

Age and Shedding

As your Maine Coon cat grows, so does their coat. Kittens have a soft and fluffy coat that sheds very little. However, as they reach adulthood, their coat becomes denser and thicker, resulting in more shedding. So, if you’re a new Maine Coon owner with a kitten, enjoy the low shedding while it lasts!


Just like humans, cats can experience stress, and it can affect their shedding. If your Maine Coon is going through a stressful time, such as moving to a new home or experiencing a change in their routine, they may shed more than usual.

Make sure to give your furry friend lots of love and attention during these times to help them feel calm and relaxed. Working with a Cat Behaviorist can be helpfu.

Excessive Shedding

While shedding is normal, excessive shedding can be a sign of an underlying health issue. If you notice your Maine Coon shedding more than usual, it’s best to take them to the vet for a check-up. It could be something as simple as a dietary change or a more serious condition that needs to be addressed.

Seasonal Shedding

Maine Coon cats have a thick double coat that helps keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. As the seasons change, their coat will shed accordingly. So, don’t be surprised if you see more shedding during the spring and fall months.

To sum up shedding; it is a natural part of a Maine Coon cat’s life. Understanding the shedding spectrum can help you manage it better. With proper grooming and care, you can keep your furry friend’s shedding under control and enjoy all the other wonderful things that come with being a Maine Coon owner.

Maintenance and Minimization


If you are a cat owner, getting a couch cover can protect your sofa from scratches and excess fur!

I totally get the struggle of dealing with furry couches and those tiny scratches from our adorable feline friends. A smart solution I’ve found is using a couch cover—it’s been a game-changer for me!


It is made of chenille and 100% machine washable!

Not only does it protect my sofa from excess fur and those accidental claw marks, but it’s also super easy to maintain. When it needs a refresh, just pop it in the wash, and voila! It helps keep that distinct cat smell at bay too. Trust me, it’s a win-win for both you and your couch!

Let’s face it, your Maine Coon cat is going to shed. And unfortunately, your furniture will be the first victim.

But don’t worry, you can minimize the damage by covering your furniture with a blanket or a slipcover. This will not only protect your furniture from shedding, but it will also give your cat a cozy spot to snuggle up on.

If you prefer not to cover your furniture, you can also invest in a good quality vacuum cleaner. Make sure to choose one with a strong suction power and a pet hair attachment. This will help you keep your furniture clean and free of cat hair.

Hair Management Hacks

Controlling shedding can be a challenge, but there are a few hair management hacks you can try. First, make sure to brush your cat regularly. This will help remove loose hair and prevent matting. Use a slicker brush or a comb with wide teeth to get the best results.

Another hack is to use a lint roller. Keep one handy in every room of your house, and use it to quickly remove cat hair from your clothes and furniture.

Finally, consider investing in a shedding control product. These products come in the form of supplements, shampoos, and sprays, and can help reduce shedding. Just be sure to choose a product that is safe for your cat and follow the instructions carefully.

Remember, shedding is a natural process for Maine Coon cats, so don’t stress too much about it. With a little maintenance and some hair management hacks, you can keep your home clean and your cat happy.

Nutritional Nuggets

Supplement Snippets

You might be wondering if there are any supplements you can give your Maine Coon cat to reduce shedding. While there are many supplements on the market, it’s important to do your research and consult with your veterinarian before giving your cat any new supplements.


In fact, my cat Finnegan uses this vitamin regularly and I have seen an immediate, positive effect. He is more playful, happier and all around more energetic.

Some popular supplements for reducing shedding include Omega-3 fatty acids and biotin. Omega-3s can be found in fish oil, flaxseed oil, and even in some cat foods. Biotin is a B-vitamin that can help improve the health of your cat’s skin and coat.

Hydration Hints

Did you know that hydration can play a role in reducing shedding? It’s true! When your cat is dehydrated, their skin can become dry and flaky, which can lead to excessive shedding.

Make sure your Maine Coon cat always has access to fresh water. You may also want to consider adding wet food to their diet, as it can help increase their overall water intake.

In addition to providing fresh water and wet food, you can also try adding some moisture to your cat’s environment. This can be done by using a humidifier or even placing a bowl of water near your cat’s favorite sleeping spot.

Remember, a healthy diet and proper hydration are key to reducing shedding in your Maine Coon cat. So, make sure you’re feeding them a high-quality cat food that’s rich in protein and other essential nutrients.

Summing Up: Do Maine Coon Cats Shed?

Maine Coon cats are indeed known for their majestic coats, which can be a source of pride for their owners and a frequent topic of concern. It’s true:

Maine Coons do shed, and their thick, lush fur can seemingly populate every corner of your home. However, shedding is a natural process for cats, and especially for a breed like the Maine Coon with its abundant fur.

While you may find yourself battling cat hair on your clothes and furniture, regular grooming can significantly reduce the amount of loose fur around your home.

Embracing a routine of brushing, maintaining a healthy diet, and ensuring your cat’s overall well-being will not only help manage shedding but also strengthen the bond between you and your beloved Maine Coon. Remember, a little extra cleaning is a small price to pay for the joy and companionship these magnificent felines bring into your life.

Lisa Illman is the Founder of Kritter Kommunity, LLC. She has a tuxedo adult cat and has had him since he was a baby kitten. Before her cat Finnegan, Lisa had had two FIV-positive cats for over a decade. They inspired Lisa to invent a cat enclosure and a portable catio so they could safely sit outside and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Lisa had a Poodle and a parakeet growing up. She currently loves to pet-sit for her neighbors’ dogs and cats.

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