Can Cats Eat Seaweed? • Kritter Kommunity


Meow there, fellow feline aficionados! Today’s dive into the world of kitty cuisine involves a peculiar yet intriguing question: Can cats munch on seaweed without staging a kitty rebellion in your kitchen? This post is all about, can cats eat seaweed? When you are done with this, check out is almond milk okay for felines and the soy sauce dangers to your cat I wrote about.

I have been wondering if my cat Finnegan can eat the green saltwater grass so I did a bunch of research AND checked with my VET. I am sharing with you all the details, answering why your cat wants seaweed, is seaweed good for cats teeth and do Greenies actually work?

The mystery of seaweed and its compatibility with our whiskered companions. Cats are curious creatures, but when it comes to seaweed, their curiosity might not necessarily lead to cat-tastrophe. In moderation, some cats might nibble on seaweed without any adverse effects, while others might not find it palatable at all.

So the answer to, can cats eat seaweed, is yes they sure can! But keep the portions small and in sporadic occasions.

without further ado, let’s get unpack, can cats eat seaweed?!


In general, small amounts of plain, unsalted seaweed are unlikely to harm your cat. However, always be cautious about the type of seaweed. Some variations, like nori (often used in sushi), are less likely to cause issues compared to other types. The key here is moderation; too much of anything, even the good stuff, can upset those sensitive kitty tummies.


Cats have a knack for surprising us with their eclectic tastes. Seaweed might pique your cat’s interest due to its texture or salty flavor. Some theories also suggest that cats might seek out seaweed for its potential nutritional benefits or simply out of curiosity. Or perhaps they’re plotting to launch their own sushi restaurant—kitty chefs in the making!


While seaweed isn’t a replacement for your cat’s dental care routine (imagine a tiny cat-sized toothbrush!), some seaweed varieties contain compounds that might support dental health. Certain types of seaweed can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup, but relying solely on seaweed for dental hygiene would likely leave your kitty’s dentist disappointed.

Nutrient Health Benefits for Cats
Omega-3 fatty acids Support healthy skin and heart function
Potassium Essential for proper organ function
Iron Aids in the formation of healthy red blood cells
Fiber Assists in digestive health and bowel movements

While seaweed can offer these nutrients, feeding it in minimal amounts may support aspects of your cat’s health like healthy skin, heart function, proper organ function, blood cell formation, digestion, and bowel movements.

However, it’s crucial to note that excessive consumption might lead to digestive upset in cats due to its challenging digestibility. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new food to your cat’s diet.


Greenies, those dental treats adored by many cat owners, are designed to help maintain oral health by reducing plaque and tartar buildup. Greenies contain ingredients that aim to support dental hygiene. While they can be a helpful addition to your cat’s dental care routine, they’re not a substitute for regular veterinary dental check-ups or professional cleanings.

Remember, every cat is unique, and their tolerance for different foods varies. If your cat exhibits any unusual behavior after nibbling on seaweed or any other new food, it’s best to seek advice from your vet pronto!

And as I like to do, I leave with a poem, dedicated to cat lovers wondering, can cats eat seaweed?


In conclusion, while cats might show interest in seaweed, it’s not an ideal snack for them due to potential digestive issues. When it comes to keeping your cat’s teeth pearly white, a balanced diet, regular dental check-ups, and approved dental treats can all play a role.

Until next time, keep your cats curious (but away from the seaweed buffet)! Meow for now! 🐾

Lisa Illman is the Founder of Kritter Kommunity, LLC. She has a tuxedo adult cat and has had him since he was a baby kitten. Before her cat Finnegan, Lisa had had two FIV-positive cats for over a decade. They inspired Lisa to invent a cat enclosure and a portable catio so they could safely sit outside and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Lisa had a Poodle and a parakeet growing up. She currently loves to pet-sit for her neighbors’ dogs and cats.

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