Attack On Titan Revolution Injuries Guide

Ouch! If you’ve got a booboo and want to know what it means then you’ll need my Attack on Titan Revolution Injuries Guide. This guide details how the debuffs work for each body part and the applicable remedies.

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Attack On Titan Revolution Injuries Guide

Alright, so where does it hurt? (I’m your doctor).

What Are Injuries?

Injuries are a chance debuff which gets inflicted when a user is attacked by a titan. (Hey, that’s almost the anime title!). Not all inflicted damage onto the user will result in injury, with the majority of attacks subtracting HP. These debuffs can be removed using healing Skills, or at the end of the match using some currency to fix yourself up. Alternatively, head to the Medic in the main lobby to heal up.

Injury Types

Onto the different inflicted injuries which players may receive during combat with Titans, including the debuffs applied and how to remedy themselves!


  • The user receives a concussion
  • Healed with:
    • Shifter Regeneration
    • Emergency Relocation Skill


  • The user gains blurred vision
  • -15% ODM Range
  • Healed with:
    • Shifter Regeneration
    • Emergency Relocation
    • Advanced Medic Bandages


  • The hook of the injured arm will not work
  • -20% DMG until healed
  • Healed with:
    • Shifter Regeneration
    • Emergency Relocation
    • Bandages


  • +20% DMG taken
  • 0.5x Health Regeneration
  • Healed with:
    • Shifter Regeneration
    • Emergency Relocation
    • Master Medic Bandages


  • -12.5% ODM Speed
  • The user stumbles over when landing at high speed
  • The user loses the ability to sprint
  • Healed with:
    • Shifter Regeneration
    • Emergency Relocation
    • Bandages


  • -15% Gas when this injury is active
  • Cannot be healed

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